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  • My MKZ's Year
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  1. I joined this forum for just this reason. I bought a 2015 MKZ with THX, and I love the car overall, but the audio is simply unacceptable. I have tried every source/setting and definitely there is a difference in quality. Actually, there are some songs where the audio is simply in the right range and it sounds good. But most of it, to me, sounds like there is a pillow over the speakers. Before I get the, "why did you not try out the sound system before you bought it" - I did. I was wow'd by the THX demo sound and played a few songs that, as luck would have it, fell nicely within range. The more I drove and listened the more I found myself disappointed. I did have the center THX speaker unhooked completely and that was a definite improvement. I'm going to now take the plunge to upgrade the door speakers and see where I am at. If I had it to do over again I'd still buy the car - it's great. The other day there was a chair suddenly in the road at night when I was doing 70. I easily swerved around it with complete control and back into my lane. Love the car - hate the audio.
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