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  1. Last week
  2. Hi gang. See the link below for the latest SYNC 3 NAV map update information, as listed on the Lincoln SYNC 3 NAV map update website: https://syncnavigation.com/lincoln/home SYNC 3 NAV map updates are normally released later in the calendar year, but it seems the next one will be available earlier. Good luck.
  3. Earlier
  4. Hi Brads600 and welcome to the Lincoln MKZ Forum. Most modern vehicles no longer utilize "windshield molding or trim". It gives the vehicle a more finished look (according to opinion, of course), and better aerodynamics also. Good luck.
  5. Was Lincoln trying to save $7.00 per car by failing to provide a windshield molding or trim?
  6. My 2015 Mkz is making a strange noise. When starting the car it makes a noise like something broke loose but then settles down. If I rev the motor upon releasing the throttle there is a loud whirring sound. Sounds like it is under the valve cover but hard to locate It idles fine it drives and accelerates fine| No DTC codes or check engine light I will try to use a recorder on my phone to post it.
  7. I was thinking more like Ed Roth, but Barris probably would have liked it too. He owned quite a few Lincolns as personal cars over the years.
  8. And I managed to make something of the roadster. It's mostly AMT Phantom Vicky parts with a supercharged Lincoln 430 MEL engine.
  9. I've actually never built one until now. Apparently the head of Revell at the time wanted to do a full detail kit of a factory stock VII but the bean counters shot him down. He compromised by convincing them to do a variation on an existing kit (the Matt and Debbie Hay Pro Street Thunderbird) and that's ultimately how we got what we got.
  10. Cool! Looking forward to the Mark VII. It’s one of my all-time favorites.
  11. One from a while back. AMT 1965 Continental with some 3D printed wheels and supercharged DOHC modular V8. I'm currently working on the Mark VII pro Street kit that's currently reissued.
  12. Well done. No reason it won't keep going for twice that distance.
  13. Been a while but... My 2010 is still packed away. My neighbor runs a body shop and he's asking about buying it as a loaner car. He might get it yet.🀣 My other neighbor has a 2017 MKZ with a 2.0 turbo and she's looking at something a little newer. Trouble is, her sister has a 2020 model with the same engine, and it's in the shop for an engine replacement. Granted, hers is under warranty but that doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the 2.0 turbo. I do have the local dealer on the lookout for a 2017-2020 Continental, so far haven't heard from him yet. It's funny, last year they'd have at least a couple on the lot but now all they have are trucks and crossovers. I wouldn't object to a similar vintage MKZ, obviously, maybe without the 2.0, but driving the Townie these last few months has really reminded me how much I always liked the full size cars. What I'm saying is... I still haven't really made up my damned mind. πŸ˜‚
  14. Rear is easy, I put the jack under the spring of the rear control arm. My low profile floor jacks have polyurethane pads. I also have Steeda jacking rails for the front. Wish they extended further forward, but they do the job. Recently I picked up an Eastwood Detachable Car Ramp Set for oil changes and it works great for that!
  15. I put these on my 2019 MKZ. https://www.steeda.com/Steeda-Fusion-Jacking-Rails-CD4 These allow me to use a floor jack at the center of the car where the front and rear doors meet and allow for jack stands to be placed at each end of the jacking rails. I can then jack up the other side of the car in the same manner and have the car supported by four jack stands making tire rotations and other maintenance jobs easy.
  16. I ordered a couple of these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078J55SBW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&th=1
  17. Just came back from the dealers , they switched parts from the good headlight to bad to see if would be a less expensive part , it was not ; $ 2300 . This is a day after a snow storm up here in the Northeast , the sun is shinning , the air is fresh , it is a good day . Jim
  18. TomV , Thank you for your response , yea I checked to see anything out of place ( not that I knew what to look for ) but all wiring looked connected in fact great shape . I bring it to the Dealer on Monday . The car runs so good I tend to think nothing could go wrong with it so I have to be happy that it is nothing mechanical , the best case scenario bop in a new headlight and drive away ( with a lighter wallet from what I read ) . Have a healthy and happy New Year . Jim
  19. Entire headlight from what I keep reading... but maybe you can try some troubleshooting by examining the connectors and grounds.
  20. 2018 MKZh , the headlight works but the led light that outlines the headlight is not working , will the entire headlight have to be replaced ?
  21. So I have a 2012 MKZ with 66k miles on it and am suffering the rear tail light LED issue where the 3 rows of LED's do not all light up when brake pedal is pressed. I only get the center LED row to function. My right side only had one row working which I was unaware was an issue and my left side was barely working at all, flickering and brake light was only working half the time. I discovered that there was a recall of sorts the 14MO3 extended coverage for the Milan and the MKZ, but said was only 10 years or 150k miles... well FML I am at 11, almost 12 years now. So Im assuming the dealer will not work with me. I absolutely cannot see myself paying $400.00 per tail light assy to rectify the issue. Has anyone out there found a cheaper route? I have not found any aftermarket options... HELP! LOL.. thanks.
  22. I have a 2015 MKZ and the backup camera only works when cold out. When it's warm/hot out the camera doesn't come on. Since it works fine in the cold, I assume it is not the camera. I also upgraded from Sync 2 to Sync 3 with the same symptoms. How about pictures of the wiring connections and locations to check?
  23. i also have JL3T telematics unit in my 2016, works flawlessly; the tan fakra doesnt need connected, just the purple, I actually connected the gps/ sirius antenna up to the brown fakra and for some reason my sirius wouldnt work when it was, so im not sure what its used for on the new ones ive looked over some pinouts but no answer. Did you have active park assist? if so does it work now or are yoi having trouble with it? I dont think there is a way to moniter the TCU except the signal meter on the SYNC3 screen and running a speed test if you have the conneceted car thru AT&T. which is worth it for only $20 monthly.
  24. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! πŸŽ„
  25. Hi tpz76. You can try the various online Ford parts sellers. Many will offer well below MSRP pricing. Google "Online Ford Parts sellers" for a listing of the many Ford Dealers who sell online. Then check with as many as you wish to find the best price. If you do not have the correct part number handy, you can obtain it from the Parts Department at your local Dealership. Have your VIN handy. Or take a look here: https://www.google.com/search?q=2012+MKZ+rear+right+taillight+housing&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=593314887&ei=PEqHZYfFAcSJptQP7vaguAg&ved=0ahUKEwiH0-njuaaDAxXEhIkEHW47CIcQ4dUDCBA&oq=2012+MKZ+rear+right+taillight+housing&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJTIwMTIgTUtaIHJlYXIgcmlnaHQgdGFpbGxpZ2h0IGhvdXNpbmcyChAhGKABGMMEGAoyChAhGKABGMMEGAoyChAhGKABGMMEGAoyChAhGKABGMMEGApI2ZUBUPwLWIKNAXACeAGQAQCYAWKgAdECqgEBNLgBDMgBAPgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAggQABiABBiiBMICCBAAGIkFGKIE4gMEGAAgQeIDBRIBMSBAiAYBkAYE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp Let us know how you make out and good luck.
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