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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hi Bigcat41059 and welcome to the Lincoln MKZ Forum. Unfortunately, as you have been told on multiple Lincoln MKZ and Lincoln Forums, there is no way to adjust the horizontal aim of the factory headlight units, only the vertical aim. If you wish to have your factory headlights aimed properly and eliminate the glare to other drivers, you will need to remove the incorrect aftermarket bulbs you installed, and install the proper factory bulbs. Good luck.
  3. Last week
  4. Today I was putting gas in my 12 MKZ, didn't fill it, just put 20 bucks in and upon finishing I looked down and saw fuel leaking onto the pavement from under the car. I assume this is a filler tube issue, anyone else had this problem?
  5. Sadly my 2011 MKZ Hybrid was taken out by a Michigan Whitetail Deer back in April. Had 213,000+ miles on it and was still going strong. Was still getting 37-40mpg at the time. Never had a major repair required the whole time I owned it.
  6. Earlier
  7. Hi clintkelly15 and welcome to the Lincoln MKZ Forum. Internet diagnosis is iffy at best, even under the best of circumstances. Plus, you don't mention mileage, which engine, maintenance history, condition of the vehicle otherwise, etc. etc. What I can guess is: If it is only getting 8-9 mpg, there is more wrong than a thermostat and water pump. I am sure others will jump in to help, so keep us updated and good luck.
  8. I’m also having this problem. It seems to start when I start the car and turn the air conditioning on sometimes when I turn the air conditioning on a full blast at first, it’ll turn itself off and then after that it will run fine if I put it back up. But also want to find inexpensive things that I can do to this car to make it a little bit more pleasant to drive because it’s got really rough suspension and also makes alot of noise under hood I have 190,000 miles
  9. I’m not too mechanically enclined but I purchased a 2008 Lincoln mkz I love it butnit overheated and had to have thermostat replaced and I think it needs another water pump idk if it’s worth getting done or not also I’m getting really awful gas mileage like 8 or 9 mpg. Any advice?
  10. I wanted to give an update to this many years later and after the car has been brought to service some 5 times at different dealerships it's the same thing. The seats have a thermo electric cooling device in them so they are "AC" seats. The buts gets cold.. very cold. It's only the back of the driver seat that has an issue. The passenger seat works fine. The car right now is at the dealership and the heated/cooled seats are one of the things that is an issue. The response I am getting at this point in time is "you have to turn on the air conditioning to the car and set it to floor in order for them to work properly." .. I am looking at the wiring schematics to the seats an and they do in fact have a TED which is a thermoelectric device, these devices are seen in things like the igloo coolers you can plug in. how they work is when electric is supplied one side of the device gets hot and the other side gets cold. The seats have a temperature sensor in them and that sensor is located on what is supposed to be the hot side of the device. The reason why no errors are present is the power that is feeding these devices is flip flopped. So the side the sensor is on is getting cold not hot and the software is not looking for it being cold it is looking for it being hot. I think there is some kind of a component failure in the module that controls that portion of the cooled seats and for whatever reason it flip flops the power output going to those thermoelectric devices. This is not something that would be out of the real of possible depending on how the circuit is made on the board. I just got off the phone with the service manage who happens to have a Fusion and it has the same issue with the seats that mine does. I asked him to have the tech check the leads that go to the TEDs in the seat backs and specifically looking at the polarity of the power. I told him it needs to be tested at the blower int he seat and at each clip between the blower and the controller. want to rule out an issue with something being wired backwards. I instructed him to also check and see of cold air is being exhausted out the back side of the blower. If there is cold air coming out the back side of the blower and hot air coming out the front side then we know what the problem is. The TED is connected backwards inside the blower if the polarity is correct going into the blower.
  11. What is the average miles and years the battery will last in my MKZ. 2020.
  12. Does anyone know how to horizontally make adjustments to the adaptive headlight alignment while diving straight? My driver side headlight is pointing in on coming traffic while driving straight forward.
  13. Hi Sdkicker1904 and welcome to the Lincoln MKZ Forums. Unfortunately, there are no custom fit aftermarket CAI's available. You would need to purchase something and fabricate it to fit. Also, on a related note: Our cars already have a very efficient factory "CAI", which can handle more than the engine needs, even under full throttle loads. And it is well sealed from hot engine compartment air. Therefore, if you want an aftermarket CAI for the looks and added intake noise, go ahead and install one. However, most/virtually all aftermarket "CAI's" are open and/or poorly sealed. This results in hot engine compartment air being sucked into the engine, actually reducing power. This is why an aftermarket one will not add any power, only added intake noise. So do it for looks and intake noise, but you will not see any additional power. Let us know how you make out and good luck.
  14. Hi pja1951 and welcome to the Lincoln MKZ Forum. Try providing as much information possible about the issue. Also, is this the factory remote start or an aftermarket system? Did you purchase the vehicle new or used? Did the system ever work since you have owned the vehicle etc? Keep us updated and good luck.
  15. Mine is exactly happening like the OP mentioned. I am currently at 100,200 miles. It was the ball bearing / lower control arm unit (front passenger). My vehicle is out of warranty so I had it replaced at Firestone for (~$500 something for parts/labor). Dealership wants $1k+. Last August 2024 was the 2nd time it was replaced - same side as the 1st time (December 2021). As you can tell, the parts was not so good because it broke again. Part is guaranteed forever and I did have to pay for labor only on the 2nd repair and succeeding ones. Hope this helps.
  16. 2010 Lincoln MKZ Remote start issue ... help wanted
  17. Looking to get a cold air intake installed on my 2011 Lincoln Mkz. I’m trying to find one that is made for the car but am having no luck but am coming across a lot of universals. Any suggestions of what I should do?
  18. Hello, I have a recently acquired 2013 MKZ Hybrid, and I love the cooled seat feature, but it doesn't seem to cool the back of the seat as it does the bottom. I was wondering if this is just how they're designed, or if mine is half-broken and needs something repaired or looked at. Thanks!
  19. I had the same issue on my driver's door, which was really upsetting. A 2019 MKZh, purchased new in Jan 2020, and now has only 14K miles. Always garaged, North Texas car. My 2014 Fusion that I traded in never had that issue, same color (plat white), same garage, same driver! Dealer fixed it but I knew it will come back if I don't treat the inside of the door. I went ahead and applied a rust protector in all four doors. Easy to do with the two following products by using the existing weep holes in each door. I really doubt the rust will come back as this cavity wax really coats well. My plan is to reapply the cavity wax once a year as it only takes about five minutes per door. You'll get a bit of the product dripping out the weep holes for a few days after you apply it but it wipes up easily with a paper towel. Fairly cheap insurance for what seems to be a common problem. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07B4DFTXF/ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0741FHDPF/
  20. There is a setup button on the center main controls of our MKZ. Pressing the button does nothing. Anyone know why, or why I can't get to the setup screen?
  21. Hey all, Looking for some help on an issue. Bought a used 2013 fully loaded, it had been in an accident hit in the rear (drivers side 2022, pass 2023) both were fairly light (no airbags). That said, when I bought it the rear repairs were done "well enough". Anyway, the blindspot/cross traffic has never worked fully. The lane keeping has never worked at all the 4 months I've had this car. The drivers side blind spot works (amber light in the mirror) but the passenger never worked. I'd really like to get the lane keeping feature to work! So I did the following... Took to my backyard mechanic and Ford, they both chalked it up to being hit and likely damage to the blindspot device that is inside the bumper (RH/LH). Interestingly enough after I got it back from my guy, the passenger side indicator worked and now not the drivers side?? This was a month ago...honest just gave up...until... Imagine my surprise I'm driving down the road on my work commute and low and behold I see a field "force field" icon around my car icon in my speedo. I'm like no way, yes and it worked (green/yellow etc when I was inside or outside the lane). I tested the blindspot mirror on my drivers side and no light up there, so it seems independent of my mirrors working or not. This was this week, hasn't happened since, one time only. Since then I have pulled off part of the bumper (drivers side to inspect the wiring to the blind spot senor, unplugged, cleaned and reanaged, nothing. Also I had a spare sensor I bought on eBay, nothing. I had a co-worker ask if I had replaced the windshield before as that could messup the camera, I am unsure if it has been, but more than likely it's not stock as it's 11 years old with 105k. I'm out of ideas on what to check, Ford said they tried to get the BCM/sensor to talk but couldn't, again I just moved on. Obviously it's talking and there is something else going on that made it magically work once. Any help would be so appreciated!
  22. Have the passenger side leak also, they replaced the sunroof grommet, reset the front window, did not say anything about the heater core, or the A/C condensation drain.
  23. My 2019 mkz has the same issue. Both front door are rusting in the same place. Dealer said they would fix under warranty but they never return my call. Issue will just come back. Standing water is gathers on ledge where the the door shuts. I think the door is holding the water after rain and car wash.
  24. As bbf2530 states, these front end noises sometimes only occur under certain environmental conditions. Intermittent creaking over bumps and when turning has sometimes been traced to upper strut bearings in these cars. By no means is that a definitive answer. It's just one of numerous places to look.
  25. Hi 2017TT. Yes, strut/shock/suspension noises can be very frustrating, since they can sometimes/often even be affected by heat, cold, humidity etc. etc. Disappearing when the right environment is not present, especially in the early stages. If you can't re-create the noise by bouncing the vehicle corners while it is stationary, then it can sometimes help to have a friend ride with you when it occurs, so they can hang their head out the window and at least try to isolate/pinpoint the noise to the front/rear and left/right. Keep us updated and good luck.
  26. I have a 2016 MKZ and was told by dealer that the rear shocks needed to be replaced. Had independent shop install new ones. In removing old shocks the welded on nuts on upper & lower mounting bolts had broken away from their mounting points. I wonder how many rear shocks have been replaced unnecessarily instead of rewelding mountinb nuts back in place?
  27. i had my coworker who is an ex-mechanic drive around with me today. and conveniently it did not make any sounds! His thought is that most of the major suspension components would be making noises all the time if they were bad. so i will keep an eye on it and maybe record it when it pops up.
  28. Hi 2017TT. Yes, it could certainly be a strut/shock issue. It may also be an issue with bushings or other suspension components. Or a combination of any of those possibilities. Since you state you do not have much experience with suspension components, your best course of action would be to have your MKZ inspected by a shop/tech you trust. I am sure others will jump in with more advice, so keep us updated and good luck.
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