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Darryl Anthony

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Posts posted by Darryl Anthony

  1. That's an interesting idea. I don't have my keys/fob and cell phone in the same pocket. However, the next time it doesn't lock by touching the door handle, then I will try moving my cell phone farther away from the fob and see if that works. I hope it's that simple and works.


    Thanks for the post.

  2. I know what you mean about getting in/out of a car. I had SUV's for the last few years. My last one was a Lincoln 2013 MKX. It's much easier stepping out of a MKX than trying to pull yourself to your feet when exiting a lower profile car.


    And to stay on subject, I didn't have any problems with the MKX door handle lock/unlock.

  3. Thanks for posting the Lexus article. I wasn't aware there were so many problems with that brand. I based my possible decision of going with Lexus because I owned an LS a few years ago and had no problems at all. I found the build quality, features, ride, and handling excellent.


    I understand that nothing is perfect. But, I just get very irritated when there is a problem that seemingly can't be fixed. In my opinion, if there is a design flaw, then they should change the design.


    I will base my decision on which brand or model to buy next on several things such as: Overall owner reviews, quality, features, realibilty, etc.. Then if it comes up with a problem that can't be fixed, I'll simply trade that one in again. Actually, my track record is good and have only traded a car due to unresolved issues twice over a period of many years.


    Of course, I'm still hoping they will figure it out and get it corrected within the coming months.

  4. The point to my comment about possibly changing to Lexus is this:


    I've owned several car brands and had issues with most of them. BUT, no matter the brand or problem, the car was always fixed. However the door lock issue has been around for at least 3 years and Ford / Lincoln still doesn't have a solution.


    Therefore, my confidence and trust in Lincoln is fading.


    And FYI, I have owned more Lincolns than any other brand and loved them all. I even really enjoy my MKZ. I just don't accept a problem with a feature that can't be fixed.

  5. I do research on everything before I buy anything or complain about a product. I go in prepared, so I know what I'm talking about. This door handle lock unlock failure is more widespread than some people realize. There are examples online plus Ford and Lincoln are now aware of the problem. However, they still don't have a solution yet.


    In my case the door handle lock finally failed when service technicians had the car. They hooked up their computer to the car to see if it showed where the error was. But, nothing showed up in the tests and the system reset itself while they were running tests and it started working again. At least this proved to them that there really was a failure.


    The tech contacted both Ford and Lincoln dealers and tech support. They found this problem occurs in both brands and more customers are now complaining. Yet, they simply don't have a fix and they don't know what to do about it. This does not give me much confidence in these brands. So, I'm considering going with Lexus on my next car.

  6. My friend's 2014 MKZ has had this problem and his car does NOT have an embedded modem. So, that's not the problem. I had thought the same thing at first. But, thanks for your comments. Every comment or suggestion helps and could lead to Lincoln solving the problem.


    FYI to everyone, I had a 2013 Lincoln MKX with a similar feature being able to use the door sensor to lock/unlock door and never had a problem. The cars today with this feature might be slightly different in their design and electronics, I don't know. But, after talking to Ford and Lincoln, they are coming out with more and more models with this feature. So, there will probably be more failures in the future. THEN, maybe tech will be able to figure it out and get them fixed.

  7. Thanks for you comments. I've printed a few posts and taken them to the dealership to show them that there really IS a problem so they can let Lincoln know I'm not the only one.


    For me, it's really a pain because I use this method every time to lock/unlock my car. Unfortunately, not enough people are complaining about this problem because tech doesn't admit there IS a problem because they claim they have not received any other complaints. Therefore, they don't know how to fix it. I can only hope for the best and they can figure it out. As for my local dealership, they have been great and they're doing their best to help.


    Oh, and I have a friend that has a 2014 MKZ. He had the same problem, but it only happened a couple of times.

  8. I've had the same problem with my 2015 Lincoln MKZ. Sometimes when I get out of the car and touch the ridge on the top of the door handle, the door does NOT lock. This happens on ALL of the doors. Yes, the numbered panel on the outside post will work and so does the key fobs. I have to reset the door unlock/lock with touch by placing the key fob in the center console and starting the car then turning the car off. Then the door lock will work again.


    I have taken the car in for repair and they replaced a module that controlled all the doors. But, that didn't solve the problem. So, I have to take it in again so they can run diagnostics again.


    The problem is that I can not recreate the problem and it only happens occasionally... Maybe once a month and at times a few times a week.


    The techs at the dealership called support and they said that replacing that module was the only thing they knew to do because they had not had reports of this problem before. For that statement alone, I doubt if they will be able to fix it.


    So, if this can't be fixed, I will base my future reviews on this problem and the other quality and design flaws I have encountered.

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